Federalist Era
Google Slides Project: Federalist Era :
With a partner create a Google Slides presentation that includes the following.
All words that are NOT yours need to have a reference to the location they came from.
This will take the place of a test so it is worth 50 assessment points:
1. Introductory slide: Title, names and relevant picture.
2. Articles of Confederation. 2-3 slides.
3. Basics on the US Constitution. 2-3 slides
4. George Washington (1 slide about him then one for each of the following).
a. Elections of 1788 & 1792
b. Bill of Rights
c. Judiciary Act of 1789
d. Executive Branch-Cabinet
e. Economics-Alexander Hamilton (1 slide about Hamilton then 1 for i-iii)
i. Paying off Debt
ii. National Bank
iii. Taxes
f. Hamilton vs. Jefferson: Political Parties
g. Foreign Affairs
5. John Adams (1 slide about him)
a. Election of 1796
b. Domestic affairs
i. Alien and Sedition Acts
ii. Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions
c. Foreign Affairs
6. Thomas Jefferson (1 slide)
a. Election of 1800 & 1804
b. Domestic Affairs
i. Financial Changes
ii. Judicial Changes
iii. Louisiana Purchase -Lewis & Clark
iv. Westward Expansion
7. James Madison
a. Election of 1808 & 1812
b. Native American Issues
c. War of 1812
8. James Monroe
a. Election of 1816 & 1820
b. Domestic Affairs
i. Era of Good Feeling
ii. Industrial Revolution
iii. Henry Clay
iv. Missouri Compromise
c. Monroe Doctrine
HINTS: Each number above should have 1-3 slides associated with it.
Each letter is a slide and each of the i's should be a part of the letter above it.