Class 11/30
Post date: Nov 30, 2011 3:12:34 PM
Today in class you will receive points for completing the following in order:
All of these tasks are linked so just click on the text.
1. Take the Module 65 Practice Quiz
2. Reffonomics>Microeconomics>Game Theory II (this is Flash so you will need to use Citrix or share with a classmate)
-This will be somewhat problematic for some of you. Be patient and share with a classmate if yours does not work.
-Watch the presentation and take notes if needed because the practice FRQ will make more sense if you actually pay attention to the presentation
-The FRQ on Friday is very similar to the Reffonomics lesson.
-Be sure to choose four answers for D
-If you do poorly (less than 70%) on this you will HAVE to complete APE 41)
4. Read and learn the Module 66 PowerPoint online.
-This is a "tracked" link so it will show me your username--complete it within 5-7 minutes
-Take notes if necessary
5. Take the Module 66 Practice Quiz
6. Complete APE 40 ONLINE (Monopolistic Competition)
7. If time, begin work on APE 41-(on paper--copies on desk in room)
Test corrections for the Monopoly assessment are due tonight by 11:59
Game Theory Quiz on Friday.
45 Question Unit test on Monday on Mods 58-68 (Perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly)